97% - charging

Future Frictions

Katpatat, Universiteit Twente
@creativecodingutrecht, @utwente and @patatjes4life would like to invite you to join our play test this Friday for the Future Frictions interactive experience at CCU Studio!

The play test will last two hours, and the purpose is for you to create a future vision for the city you live in, focussing on a topic that is relevant for you. Future Frictions are all interactions between individuals and collective values in sustainable cities, and between our experience of the city, nature and technologies. It would be great to see you there and hear what you think about the web experience!

There’s more: since you’re giving us your data, we’re giving you a Datalek back! Disclaimer: no actual data will be leaked, that is just the name of the very limited edition beer made by @houseofpint for the @composting_computers expo and workshop programme!

📅  21 June, 17:00 – 19:00
📌 CCU Studio, Vlampijpstraat 84, Utrecht
🎫 Free! DM us to participate