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Joana Moll

4004 is a work from Barcelona/Köln based artist, Joana Moll, that explores the devastating, yet relatively unexamined, impact of technology on biodiversity. Drawing on previous projects and longstanding research, this project from Joana Moll sets out to expose the links between the explosion of techno-capitalism, the acceleration of climate change and resulting decline of essential ecosystems.


The project’s title, 4004 is taken from the name of the first commercial microprocessor, created 50 years ago in 1971, for the Intel Corporation. Heralded as the most advanced integrated circuit design ever undertaken, the Intel 4004, marked a new era in technological development.


Moll aims to establish a link between the exponential growth of the microprocessor and the decline in both number and diversity of species – in particular insects, who form an essential part of our ecological infrastructure and have been declining at alarming levels, with reports suggesting that a quarter of insects could be wiped out within just a decade.